08/03: Tinh so so trong tuan nay minh cung cho di it nhat 20 phan wa, tuong duong voi nua thang luong cua minh, dau wa, nhg thoi ke, cu tu an ui la 1 nam chi co 1 ngay 08/03:,(; y, ma dau phai, het 08/03 lai den 20/10 roi Giang sinh roi nam moi, noi chung la chua nuoc nao co truyen thong tang wa nhieu nhu VN (ma fan lon boys...boys...boys...luon la ng chiu thiet thoi...hu..hu..hu..Anyway, once again, happy women's day, all the beauties of mine:).
09/03: Sang nay O lai ko di hoc, lai thay hoi trong trai, nhg dieu do ko wan trong bang su lo lang: O nghi nhieu wa... Dung la chuong trinh hoc chan that, minh nhieu khi cung muon o nha cho roi nhg nghi lai, "ko bổ bề ngang cung bổ bề dọc", it nhat minh cung biet them dieu gi do, hay it nhat cung de "doi pho" voi thi cu, the ma O cu nghi hoai, neu cach day 1 tuan O ko di hoc thi co the dua vao ly do la van dg o tren DL voi gia dinh, TET ma!!!!, neu hom thu sau tuan roi ko di hoc cung co the nghi la vi moi tu we len, van con met nen chua muon day som, nhg den tuan nay thi...
I know that you're a really smart girl, but somehow lazy (am I rite?). If you're still in DL and don't come back to SGin order to take care of your family can be a reasonable excuse. But now, you're here...but not here, not in class, not try your best to study, I sure that your dad in a faraway place would really love to see his daughter finish her study to the best that she can, me too, so don't make me disappointed. Maybe my words are rigid and unfair to you in someway, maybe you've got your own excuse for your class absence, but dear O, just 4 months left, it's time to try the best of yours, of me, and of all the other 03e friends. Wish 03e all best results.